Saturday 1 March 2014

Find Your Ideal Weight

South East Wales is a good place to live, but especially so if you would like to lose some weight because that is where Debbie Saunders works. Debbie is a qualified, trained counsellor and coach, who uses the highly regarded techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy and transactional analysis to help people who have serious weight issues, or want to lose a little and maintain.  Our modern day relationship with food is very complicated; we have the same urges as our hunter gatherer ancestors, but have access to as much food as we could possibly want and more. Over time, our bodies are affected by this constant feast without famine and we lose the sensations that tell us to stop eating when we are full.

With a structured diet plan, group counselling sessions and lots of support, it is possible to get your body back on track.  Debbie has done this for hundreds of clients over the past six years and is an expert on the whole diet journey.  For example, even on a steady diet containing exactly the same calories each week, weight loss is not constant. There are times when the weight loss plateaus, and despite the diet, nothing happens for a week or two which is when people are tempted to give in, but Debbie helps clients understand what their body is doing and see this in a different way.  Sure enough, the body relents and the weight drops again, with a sudden big jump. It is this kind of insight that enables Debbie to help her clients reach their goals. An unexpected weight gain could be down to a stressful week, as high levels of cortisol released into your system will encourage water retention.  Talking through why your body is reacting the way it is can help you to stay focused.

There are a number of reasons why group counselling is so effective; firstly there is the support that comes from the other members. Everyone has good and bad weeks, so it is great to be able to pool experiences and strategies to cope with the down times but also to celebrate successes together.  There is nothing as motivating as a group member hitting an 11 stone weight loss target!  Groups also mean that costs are kept down, although Debbie is happy to provide 1:1 sessions if that is what you would prefer. So if you are lucky enough to live around the Abergavenny, Monmouth areas and need some help to reach your ideal weight, why not give Debbie a call and find out how she can help.