Tuesday 10 May 2011

Is Organic Sustainable?

Everyone has heard of Organic produce as a healthy option but are there any benefits when it comes to sustainability?
The Soil Association has probably the highest and most comprehensive standards for organic production and processing in the world. Organic farming recognises the direct connection between our health and the food we eat. As well as animal welfare issues and a ban on GM organisms the following rules apply:

·         Pesticides are severely restricted – instead organic farmer develop nutrient-rich soil to grow strong healthy crops and encourage wildlife to help control pests and disease.

·         Artificial chemical fertilisers are prohibited – instead organic farmers develop a healthy, fertile soil by growing and rotating a mixture of crops using clover to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.

·         The routine use of drugs, antibiotics and wormers is disallowed - instead the farmer will use preventative methods, like moving animals to fresh pasture and keeping smaller herd sizes.
By buying organic produce we can support a regime that limits the use of fossil fuels in the form of pesticides, fertilisers and drugs.

In conventional farming as much as forty percent of energy used in the food system goes towards the production of artificial chemicals. Most of what is applied does not directly affect the target crop and can pollute the land and water course.

Artificial fertilisers consist of Potassium, Nitrogen and Phosphorous to promote plant growth.  Repeated growth cycles deplete the trace elements in the soil that aren’t replaced. These are required to keep plants healthy and disease/pest resistant and so increasing amounts of chemicals are required to keep the crop ‘healthy.’ We also require these trace elements in our diets, which are now missing. Organic farming replaces these elements along with the growth nutrients.

So as well as all the other benefits of organic food such as cutting out contaminants, a broader range of trace minerals & tastier food, it drastically cuts down on the need for fossil fuels and has a more beneficial impact on the environment. Organic is the sustainable option.

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