Tuesday 15 November 2011

No such thing as a free lunch?

FOOD campaigners have hit out over the millions of tons of fruit and vegetables dumped each year — because they are misshapen. Supermarkets insist that shoppers will not buy them.
Campaigners say nearly 50 per cent of UK carrots end up in the bin and they claim the scandalous waste helps keep prices artificially high.
Food industry analyst Tristram Stuart said stores must start letting shoppers decide whether to buy wonky produce.
He added: "We've got to stop this madness. We must tell shops we want to buy good-tasting fruit and veg regardless of how it looks."
On Friday 19th Nov 2011, campaigners will highlight the scandal by cooking a meal for 5,000 in Trafalgar Square using discarded fruit and veg.
The event will feature guest speakers such as Tristram Stuart, and activities including apple pressing and wonky veg sorting. You can even visit the enclosure of real waste-eating pigs!
Feeding the 5000 will show how easy it is to reduce the unimaginable levels of food waste in the UK and internationally, and how governments, businesses and individuals can help.

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